Hello there, readers!
I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself. My name is Allison and for the past couple of months, I’ve been writing pieces for the SexyModest blog.
And while I’ve written for several Utahn companies over the past few years, I’ve gotta say — writing for SexyModest has by far been the most fun. (Don’t tell the other businesses I said that.)
If you’re asking yourself, “Who is this girl and where’s Brigitte?” I get it. I promise I’m not here to promote myself.
I just wanted to share my story of why — given all the companies out there — I wanted to write for this one.
How it all started
A few years ago, I noticed that a lady in church was wearing a super cute dress.
When I asked her where she got it, she smiled a little sheepishly and said, “It’s from an online boutique called ‘SexyModest.’”
SexyModest? Isn’t that an oxymoron? I quipped in my head.
But a brief scroll through the website soon taught me that the name was… well, pretty accurate. (And let’s be real — it’s easier to say “SexyModest” than “ModestButFashionableInAFlatteringFeminineWay.”)
However, I wasn’t a big Instagrammer at the time, so I didn’t start following @modestshoppin yet.
Fast forward to a year later. I write sponsored articles for our local news outlet and I get an assignment to write a piece about a Utah designer who launched a website that sells cute, comfortable clothes.
The website? SexyModest.com.
This was going to be fun!
And no way would it spark an impassioned debate over the internet about what was/wasn’t modest and/or sexy, right?
Hahahahaaaaa… wellllllllll… to put it lightly, people in Utah have *strong feelings* when it comes to the controversial topic of “modesty.”
Unfortunately (or fortunately), the comments on the original article have been taken down. But you can still read plenty of them on the follow up article: Why modesty provokes such impassioned controversy in Utah. (Yes, we actually wrote that. And yes, the comments are from real people. Enjoy!)
At this point, I learn my lesson and start following @modestshoppin. I see why they’ve amassed such a following — and the clothes are only part of it.
When it came time to expand my freelance writing business and I was trying to decide who to write for, I realized any potential clients had to meet certain criteria:
- It had to be fun to write for them.
- The business had to be something that made peoples’ lives better.
Wait… I know a company that fits that bill…
So I reached out to Jason (@mrmodestshoppin) and asked if SexyModest could use a content contributor for their website. We brainstormed ideas over the phone and his exact words to me were, “As long as it makes women’s lives better, it’s fair game.”
Well, Universe, I don’t think you could have planned that more perfectly.
And here we are! I have the awesome job of creating what I hope is valuable content that’s worth your time to consume while helping to promote a business — and people — I believe in.
Honestly, in today’s world, you have to root for those who are trying to put goodness out there. And I believe Brigitte and Jason are using their platform to do just that.
Sure, they have to sell clothes to make a living, but they see their mission as something bigger.
They want women (and men) to lead better, happier, healthier lives.
Whether that’s through designing comfortable, modest clothing that helps you look great and feel confident, making you laugh on Instagram, posting an inspirational message, or just sharing the highs and lows of life.
But in case you need me to spell out all the reasons why I choose to write for a company called SexyModest, here they are:
1) The clothes.
Well, sure. This is a given. But it would be weird if I *didn’t* include the clothes as a reason to love SMB, right?
Rest assured, I don’t just write about these clothes — I wear them. Almost on a daily basis.
While I like to doll up every once in a while, my default setting is “low-maintenance.” (I have two small children, so aiming for visual perfection each day is futile.) But I still like to look good, even on my low-key days.
When I first learned about Brigitte’s wrinkle free collection, I think I might have teared up a little. Cute, comfortable, flattering clothing that I could literally pull out of a drawer and throw on with ease? That was the dream.
If you’re wondering what my favorite pieces are, I’d go with the classic Brigitte Brianna Street Joggers and my Brigitte Brianna Camo Dress. (I get compliments every time I wear it. And it’s so dang COMFY.)
2) They’re not afraid to be themselves.
As I mentioned before, I’m not a huge Instagram gal, so I only follow accounts I really enjoy. What I like about @modestshoppin and @mrmodestshoppin is that they are unapologetically themselves. I admire their confidence, their candidness with followers, and the fact that they can somehow be both hilarious and vulnerable at the same time.
In other words, they’re real people.
3) They’re open about their beliefs.

It takes a lot of courage to share and stand up for your beliefs — particularly in the realm of social media. I appreciate that Jason and Brigitte aren’t afraid to talk about their religion and regularly share what they believe and how it blesses their lives. Most importantly, they do it in a way that’s respectful to people of all different faiths and backgrounds.
They make it clear that you don’t have to be like them to be liked by them — which is something the world needs more of.
4) They genuinely care about people.
Social media influencers — particularly those in the beauty and fashion industry — often have a bit of a reputation for being self-absorbed. But if you take time to listen to the Modestshoppin Movement podcast (or follow @modestshoppin at all), you can easily see that’s not the case with the Shamy family.
They routinely post inspirational quotes, funny videos, and other uplifting material. Even the clothes Brigitte designs are intended to make life easier for women.
5) They’re family-oriented.
Yes, they’re busy business people with a busy business to run, but their priorities are very apparent: family comes first.
My personal favorite podcast episode of theirs is “AT WHAT COST?!?” where they talk about how everything comes with a price. (This was long before “Wonder Woman: 1984” came out, by the way. Patty Jenkins probably listened to their podcast for inspiration. 😉)
The truth is, they could be making a whole lot more money than they do — but they scale back for the sake of preserving time for their family. That allows them to make more videos like this:
6) Brigitte.
I have major respect for this woman. As an entrepreneur, podcaster, athlete, and mother, she wears a lot of hats (I know I haven’t named them all). But who she is speaks louder than what she does.
She’s the type of woman who will go out of her way to make sure her customers get high-quality products and service. In an interview with Starter Story, Jason shared an experience that illustrated Brigitte’s love for her customers:
“We launched our famous non-see-through white tee before we had wash-tested it. The fabric shrunk. We messed up. I asked my wife what we were gonna do because making this right was going to put us in a hole so deep we may not be able to recover… she didn’t blink, she took ownership and told all who had ordered that if they would give her a week to remake them correctly we would pay to re-ship them all a new one for free. And that’s exactly what she did.”
If all you saw were the glamorous pictures of her in SexyModest clothes (that she designed!), you might think, “Man, her life is perfect.” But a closer look reveals a woman who’s just doing her best while dealing with the same everyday struggles we all face — including some challenges no one wants to deal with.
She’s been open about the frustrations of running a business and being a mom of 4.
She’s shared behind-the-scenes glimpses of her heartbreaking experiences with IVF and pregnancy loss.
She’s not afraid to share her heart — even at the risk of ridicule or cruel comments. (The internet can be a dark place.)
You can’t help but root for someone like that.
7) They strive to make women’s lives better.
I’ve said this several times, but it really is the biggest reason why I follow and support SexyModest.
Women are always going to need clothes. Why not clothes that make them look and feel amazing while maintaining their standards?
Women look better when they feel better. That’s why Brig and Jase share their tips for fitness and nutrition. They promote optimal health, not an optimal body size. (They even have a private fitness group you can join, if you’re looking for extra help.)
Women have hard days and need a lift now and then. How about a lighthearted reel or an inspirational message to brighten things up?
I have no doubt that they’ll continue to provide value for women of all ages, backgrounds and lifestyles for years to come.
Of course they’re not perfect (who is?). But isn’t that part of the charm?
Tell us why you love SexyModest and you could be featured on our blog!
Enough about me. Now it’s your turn.
- How did you find SexyModest?
- What do you love about the company, the clothes, or the name itself?
- What does “SexyModest” mean to you?
- How has your life changed for the better by being part of the SexyModest community?
We'd love to hear your answers to any and all of these questions! Your response could be featured on our blog.
Please send your SexyModest story to ask@sexymodest.com and include "My SexyModest story" in the subject.
(A picture of you wearing something from the Brigitte Brianna collection isn’t required, but is a nice bonus. 😊)
We look forward to hearing from you!